Monday, February 23, 2009

Bad Sleeps

Having headaches... Sleepless nights... Many weird dreams... Waking up with many aches...

Symptoms when you never sleep well due to stress and bad habits. I was very worried when I read about an Uni Student who slept to death due to:

He fell asleep only after 4am and woke up at 7am every day to prepare for school.

Sometimes during 5am and I'm still awake after laying in the bed since 12 mid night. Very anxious on some things and I just can't get to sleep. I can't stop my brains from working...

One night, I dreamt of learning to fly. And I just can't fly. Then got this gigantic bird which accompany me to learn... Do you know how did we learnt to fly in my dreams? We are actually jumping from a high level place and we fly!!!!!!!!

But it actually never success because I woke up suddenly due to phobia of height. One time I did success in flying, but that was many months back. I was actually flying over a huge lake maybe on a cloud... And the scenary was so mesmerizing and... very familiar.

Turning in soon. Hope I can sleep well today.

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