Friday, March 13, 2009

OGL Camp 11-12Mar2009

WOW! I feel great after chatting with Jeremy just now. Thanks for telling me you Remembered me!

11th - 12th March 2009 - These 2 days, I was helping out in a camp thingy in Nanyang Polytechnic. My first experience as a facilitator to assist students and the speakers, and I was overwhelmed with the excitements while playing & working with them.

All the activities reminded me of the past experiences with my olden school days and brought a lot of memories while I was in committee, in a team of great people, a very hyper person who pushed herself into making use of her time to earn credits and monies.

Extremely hyper then = A very Big mistake.

Things I have done in the Camp for the OGLs:
  • Make friends with many...
  • Play games with all fun-loving people.
  • Chit Chat with those who really bother to talk.
  • Guiding them to do activities that the Speakers had assigned for them.
  • Taking a few hundreds photos.
This is one of the Jobs I have enjoyed so much ever since I started working. I'm missing them like hell now!

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