Interview of Jireh Goh, Captain of Team Micro Singapore
The above link is the interview of Jireh. I was rather overwhelmed by excitement when I saw it so I decided to post!
I think we should thanks Jireh for being a great captain and for being so encouraging especially when some teammates are down. His great leadership is fondly remembered by me for the past few years. Indeed, I learned a lot from him too.
No doubt he's the Champion of Sliders in Singapore, yet he's humble and always friendly to others. Sometimes due to stress he may flare up, but he deal with it well.
A few times, when I was training with a very heavy heart due to stress from works etc, he just smiled to me. Just a small gesture, I felt lighter after that and trained better!
So much good things about him yeah?
The next time when you desired to gossip and criticize about others, you may want to stop and think.
Are you focusing on the bad things so much that make others to leave you?
Are you neglecting the great things that others had done to you in the past yet you are blaming them now and then? If you really think hard, does blaming others makes your life better? It will actually make worst... from my experience.
Do you detest others so much just because they did only one mistake or maybe few mistakes? I think the mistakes depend on the severity too.
- Did you lost your precious because of the others' mistakes? If you lost your life, you won't be reading this anyway. XD
- If you lost money, money can be earned back!
- If you lost your reputation, maybe you can take it as a lesson to earn back your reputation again? This part can be hard.
- What else?
Thinking of and trying to harm the person can cause you harm in future. This is very true even if you don't believe. You really can't escape from this thing called Karma.
I think in order to be reminded of great things about yourselves and others, the first thing needed to do is to be grateful.
So start to be grateful now!
I'm still learning. We are kind in nature. Being grateful is very small part in our daily lives, yet it can make a very big difference. It leads to kindness.
Every morning awake, I give thanks to the great opportunities that are awaiting for me and coming to me throughout the rest of the day, around the world.
I give thanks to the past hardships.
I give thanks to others who had harmed me and those who had helped me.
I give thanks to the life I had now.
I give thanks to myself.
You may find it hard to give thanks, at first. Its alright, as long as you take the first step towards being grateful!
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