Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Karaoke Session

4 hours of KTV session is equal to hoarse voice the next day.

We all sang from 8pm to 12 midnight, and I just don't feel like leaving. IT'S NOT ENOUGH!!! Can we ALL come again?

What's wrong with me? So far, I won't have enough for every KTV sessions, too many songs that I love to sing even if it's to repeat (but I just can't remember the lyrics).

So next, we are going to "bust" the Karaoke system in our cousins' house.

Some points I noted while K:
Want to sing, let the rest know & make sure you sing out as loud as possible.
Don't want to sing, make the microphone get lost but stay to listen if you don't need the loo.
Don't know what's that song, listen and sing if you know.
Don't know the song, skip or force your buddies to sing instead (some of them if you don't force them to sing they will complain you are a mic-snatcher or a mic-hold-too-long after the session).
Out of tune, heck care la or tune the music to highest volume then sing along.

Many times, some of the unfamiliar titles are songs we are very familiar (actually). I really hate it when the mic is left unattended during K. Com'on it's a time and very rare whereby you can sing your heart & throat out. Why leave the mic alone? Ok la, maybe you don't know the song. Usually I will like to pass the mic to those who know the song.

Hope you will enjoy your K sessions with whoever you go with. To me, being a mic-holder or mic-snatcher or mic-passer is better than mic-put-away or mic-denier.

But if you really have phobia with mic, then nevermind. Still, wish you enjoy your "Listen to K" sessions. :)


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Slalom Angel said...

8 comments are deleted from here due to its unappropriate contents. If you are up to something funny, please stop reading and get a life! Thank you. ~Slalom Angel