Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Zero Limits by Joe Vitale

Below is a little inspiration on my recent venture in a book called Zero Limits by Joe Vitale. I love reading it that I only spent 2 days to complete it. It's all about Ho'oponopono, the Hawaiian system. I wish to be able to attend one of the workshops by Dr Hew Len one day! 

Although Joe had been writing for the past few year but I only got to know him recently through my EFT therapist. It's amazing to be able to analyze how can a psychologist be able to heal the patients in the Mental Hospital of Hawaii and which eventually closed down due to no more patients.

I am amazed to know that zero limits are where inspiration will come in. And in order to be in that state we need to clean and clean all the rubbish inside us. The method is so easy and it is just by chanting the 4 powerful phrases to oursleves: I Love You, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You.

I'm sure there are additional works to that simple 4 phrases. But still I have tried it, and it works wonder. It really bring peace especially when I was confronted by my hot temper mother.

It's I myself have caused the situation so I have to clean myself in order to heal the situation. All the other party's frustrations, hurts, depressions, hatred, jealousies, are all because inside myself had the same thing and caused the situations to happen now. Is that clear or what?

If you want to understand more I would recommend you to read the book!

May peace and happiness be with you.

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