Here are the words that I wrote on my status in Facebook.
"Although some sources told us to be happy for no reason, I think that will not work for all. We should find all the small things to be happy about since all these will accumulate and trigger to become bigger happiness. Examples are achievements. Although these things are temporary but they will sure help us get into the happy state, the positive state. Since we are not those beings who had come to... a certain level of realisation, we still need external factors like our achievements to help make us happy including abundance, prosperity and success. However it could be beneficial to feel happy for no specific reasons once you have lived through hundreds or thousands of lives because by then you should have already achieved so much by serving other beings and went through many positive mindset and happy incidents. Happiness is then inevitable. I think to achieve happiness is a never ending topic. So don't just agree or disagree my words. Let's explore further until we come to the long waited realisation. I really look forward."
These words were written using my mobile and I just wish to write more about it to help you to become happier in your life.
I'm very sure that whatever we do will affect the happiness that we have in our hearts. Different people will be happy about different things and experiences. Some of them are:
- Helping other people to achieve what they want.
- Attracting abundance by enhancing our emotional state.
- Reaching the state of prosperity by working hard and smart.
- Feeling grateful towards all the small things and people in our lives.
- Doing what we love everyday.
- Buying things for ourselves and others.
- Giving ourselves some quiet time.
- Talking to positive people and get inspired.
- Reading some good inspiring books.
- Receiving things from others.
- Achieving fantastic results through your work.
- Having good relationship with others.
- Winning a competition through hard work.
- Looking at and playing with dogs and babies.
- Listing out things that make you feel happy.
- Visualise moments when you feel happy.
- Playing your favourite games.
- Dolling and dressing yourself up.
- Taking beautiful pictures and looking at them.
- Learning new things and achieving your goals.
- Many more... except harming others which will usually lead to guilt in the end.
Do whatever right things that makes you feel happy and alive. Think of all the things that can make you feel happy. Some of them may be short term, the rest may be long term.
If all these actions and deeds are to be repeated over and over again, the sense of happiness will become prominent and stay for a longer period. This sense of happiness will resurface even after facing challenges in our lives. Hence, without all these right experiences, we can't be happy for no reason. We must at first know what is the feeling of happiness first then we can be happy for no reason.
However if you are a depressed person due to some circumstances and want to be happy, I encourage you to see the psychiatrist or psychologist to help you overcome the situation mentally and start doing some of the things that you are comfortable with and that will definitely make you feel happier. It will be an arduous process because when you are depressed you are so clouded with all kinds of negative emotions in many layers that the positive vibes from external factors will be so difficult to penetrate all these negative vibes and finally reach the essence of yourself, your soul.
Hence recoveries have to come from within yourself. You have to trigger a spark of happiness through some moments of positive experiences and slowly allow this spark to manifest itself through your heart then your body by repeating the positive experiences. It could be a form of thinking or feeling or both. Of course firstly you have to allow this to happen to you.
If you don't want to allow this to happen to you, perhaps you have to swim through your life journey with the cloud of negative emotions until one day when you are not aware and the positive energy hit you really hard and influence your thinking. Then you will start to feel that you want to live your life better and hence you are on the road towards recovery, towards the haven of happiness. But, this is very rare.
Depression and happiness are both learning phase for our lives and I think both are necessary because through depression we can learn what is happiness, through happiness we can learn what is depression. Once you experience both you will know you want happiness the most, don't want depression at all or perhaps some people prefer to be in depression. So do you prefer happiness or depression?
For sure, the majority of us will wish to be in the state of happiness as that emotion helps us to thrive in life and will sure attract good friends, good moments and good health into our lives. Who would not want that to happen?
Happiness is contagious and it's the emotion most of us will love to have most. Even while writing this, I can feel a sense of happiness within because I am recalling all the happy moments I have in life. So let's start going through all kind of positive experiences that will lead us to become happy for going through happy experiences, then we will become happy for no reason which is due to our past experiences and seems like there's no reason behind all these happiness.
I hope through this writing you will continue your search and your feeling for happiness within or without.
May you be well and happy.
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