Monday, May 11, 2009

What is Freestyle?

Yeah, it's the video of my run for WFSC selection again.

So far, many of people around me said they like it, except a few.

Maybe they think that slalom should emphasize on footworks instead of other kind artistic moves. The above video, what I add in is a dance by Wonder Girls accompanied by their song "Nobody".

Frankly speaking, I was very addicted by Wonder Girls at a point of time.

In my mind: "Why not do their dances with Slalom?"

Let's view a video of a very young figure skater. She's using Tell Me, by Wonder Girls! XD

Figure Skating is skating, Slalom Skating is also skating.

I don't see the point to restrict Slalom to be footworks only as they are called Freestyle Inline Slalom or Freestyle Slalom.

So what's the meaning of freestyle?

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