Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Skate Park and other Updates

Hey all! The new skate park in East Coast Park was officially opened last Thursday. I went over to take a look that morning after receiving the news from Jireh. Spacious and TERRIBLY STEEP CONCAVE (to me)! It's due to Acrophobia. I peered over the edges and felt tremulous... but I told myself to try it next time. XD

Luckily, there's Glenn was there slalom with me. After mingling around in the skate park for less than an hour I have to go.

I thought I was getting late for work that I switched from 2 buses to Train to Taxi.

Surprisingly I'm still on time. XD The lesson was very relaxing as the kids there are very well-behaved.

Friday is a very very moody day... and it's raining heavily.

Saturday the lesson starts extremely early and it's always very fulfilling coaching my students.

I started to miss the previous batch of students. Some are cute little girls who I wish to see them more often.
  1. Mayvis the fastest girl.
  2. Chera with the cutest behaviour and her voice is loud.
  3. Adeline the lanky one.

There's a few more I've yet to know their name. All these adorable young tots motivated me to always look forward to visit them in school.

Heavy rain in the afternoon... I started to feel very gloomy. Urged to ask my friends out, skated under the drizzle for a few KM.

Sunday! Nice weather with great pals!

Skating with pals from afternoon 2pm till 4pm. Meet up with another group at the small rink at 5pm. And Dinner with them around 8pm...

I reached home around 9pm and felt so full with all the good food.

Bad News.

Received a call after I just sat down on a sofa to rest. My sister was injured and we got to send her to hospital. Glad to know that it's only a minor fracture and she will recover soon! We accompanied her and reached home only at 2am... Gosh! She's so heavy. XD

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