Thursday, March 21, 2013

I'm Available for Coaching

I'm using my time to study. I have not been working or coaching for the past 2 months only recently then I accept some coaching jobs. Tuition is also part of my life. Recently the boy I'm teaching got many Excellents in his report card.

One of the reasons why not many people want to coach or work freelance is because of the unfix timing and unstable income.

It is a risk. You may risk not having jobs for few weeks or more and so you need to find some other ways to get your income flowing.

This is the reason why my parents and sisters encouraged me to get a full time job in order to survive. Job security is the main reason. They are not wrong anyway.

My friends said nothing much about my choice. Some seems surprised that I'm an inline skating coach. To them I look more on the innocent side, someone who don't belong to this funky sports.

I just laughed at their comments.

Why judge a book by it's cover?

That's very common nowadays especially when image is so important, maybe I should find a industry that suits my look and love it. Then I will stay with it for many years, improving and educate myself to grow and develop into a sophiscated lady.

I still love coaching but seriously I need to find some ways to keep improving. Study is one of my options but if there's experiences it works even best.

I love hands on and always aim to do the best.

If you need people to help you with your coaching business please feel free to email me at slalom.angel(at)

Sports coaching, children coaching, homework coaching, business coaching, life coaching, NLP coaching, assist your programmes to function well and facilitating jobs is also my forte.


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